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HlinkNavigateToStringReference Function

Creates a hyperlink site from strings representing the hyperlink target, the location within the target, and a friendly name, and then navigates to that site.


HRESULT HlinkNavigateToStringReference(
    LPCWSTR pwzTarget,        
    LPCWSTR pwzLocation,      
    IHlinkSite *pihlsite,    
    DWORD dwSiteData,         
    IHlinkFrame *pihlframe,  
    DWORD grfHLNF,    
    LPBC pibc,        
    IBindStatusCallback *pibsc,    
    IHlinkBrowseContext *pihlbc    


[in] Address of the string that helps identify the hyperlink target. This string is resolved into a moniker for underlying binding operations through MkParseDisplayNameEx. This must not be NULL.
[in] Address of the location within the hyperlink target of the new hyperlink object.
[in] Address of the IHlinkSite interface on the site object for the new hyperlink object. This is optional, in which case pwzTarget must be an absolute reference.
[in] Additional site data for the new hyperlink object.
[in] Address of the IHlinkFrame interface for the hyperlink frame object of the hyperlink container object. This can be NULL if the hyperlink container does not have a hyperlink frame.
[in] Value taken from the HLNF enumeration.
[in] Address of the IBindCtx interface on the bind context object to use for any moniker binding performed during the navigation. This must not be NULL.
[in] Address of the IBindStatusCallback interface on the bind-status-callback object to use for any asynchronous moniker binding performed during the navigation. This can be NULL, in which case the caller is not interested in progress notification, cancellation, pausing, or low-level binding information.
[in] IHlinkBrowseContext interface pointer to the browse context object to use for this navigation. The browse context includes history information, where this navigation is logged if grfHLNF is not set to HLNF_CREATENOHISTORY.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful.


This helper function is identical to calling the following:

// create hyperlink site, IBindStatusCallback,
// gather bind context, and browse context 
HlinkCreateFromString(pwzTarget, pwzLocation,
    pwzFriendlyName, &hlSite, dwSiteData, NULL,
    IID_IHlink, (void**)&phl);
HlinkNavigate(pihl, pihlframe, grfHLNF, pbc, pibsc, pihlbc);

Function Information

Windows NT Use version 4.0.
Windows Use Windows 95 and later.
Header Hlink.h
Import Library Hlink.lib
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 3.0

See Also

HLNF, HlinkNavigate, HlinkCreateFromString, HlinkSimpleNavigateToString

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