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Web Workshop (Miscellaneous)

Hyperlink Browse Context Object

This object implements an IHlinkBrowseContext interface and maintains the navigation stack.

Object Information

CLSID Not Available
Implementation System (HLink.dll)
Header and IDL files Hlink.h; Hlink.idl
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0
Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0

Creation/Access Functions

HlinkCreateBrowseContext Creates an empty, default instance of the system browse context object.

Interfaces Implemented

IHlinkBrowseContext The IHlinkBrowseContext interface enables a COM object to define and manage the browsing context for an ActiveX® hyperlink application.


In addition to maintaining the navigation stack, the browse context enables Forward and Back buttons, when appropriate. The browse context also maintains window position information. When a user hyperlinks from one window to another, the stored information is used to position each new window on top of the previous one, making it appear as though one window is replacing the other.

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