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Hyperlink Object

This object implements, at a minimum, an IHlink interface and acts as a link to an object at another location (the target).

Object Information

CLSID Not Available
Implementation System (HLink.dll)
Header and IDL files Hlink.h; Hlink.idl
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0
Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0

Creation/Access Functions

HlinkCreateFromData Creates a hyperlink object from an object that supports the IDataObject interface (a data object).
HlinkCreateFromMoniker Creates a new hyperlink from a moniker, a location within the target, and a friendly name string (used for displaying the hyperlink).
HlinkCreateFromString Creates a new hyperlink object from strings representing the hyperlink target, the location within the target, and a friendly name.
OleLoadFromStream Allows the hyperlink object to be loaded from persistent data.

Interfaces Implemented

IHlink The IHlink interface enables a hyperlink (a COM object) to encapsulate the behavior of navigating to its target location.
IHlinkSite The IHlinkSite interface provides methods for a hyperlink to retrieve the moniker or the interface on its hyperlink container.


A hyperlink object encapsulates four pieces of reference information:

The object also supports the ability to save and load itself by using IPersistStream, and the ability to be transferred through the clipboard or through a drag-and-drop operation by using IDataObject.

It is notable that a document can use the standard hyperlink object to represent hyperlinks within itself, thus encapsulating the work of navigating, saving, loading, dragging, dropping, cutting, and pasting hyperlinks.

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