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IInternetBindInfo::GetBindInfo Method

Gets the BINDINFO structure associated with the binding operation.


HRESULT GetBindInfo(
    DWORD *grfBINDF,
    BINDINFO * pbindinfo


[out] Address of a value taken from the BINDF enumeration indicating whether the bind should proceed synchronously or asynchronously.
[in, out, unique] Address of the BINDINFO structure, which describes how the client wants the binding to occur.

Note The size of the BINDINFO structure has changed with the release of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.0. Developers must write code that checks the size of the BINDINFO structure that is passed into their implementation of this method before writing to members of the structure. For more information, see Handling BINDINFO Structures in URL Monikers Overview.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error code otherwise.

Windows CE

Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0

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