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IInternetBindInfo::GetBindString Method

Retrieves the strings needed by the protocol for its operation.


HRESULT GetBindString(
    ULONG ulStringType,
    LPOLESTR *ppwzStr,
    ULONG cEl,
    ULONG *pcElFetched


[in] Unsigned long integer value that indicates the type of string or strings that should be returned. This can be one of the BINDSTRING values.
[in, out] Address of an array of strings.
[in] Unsigned long integer value that indicates the number of elements in the array provided.
[in, out] Address of an unsigned long integer value that indicates the number of elements in the array that are filled.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error code otherwise.


This method is used if the protocol requires any additional information, such as a user name or password needed to access a URL.

Windows CE

Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0

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