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IInternetSecurityManager Interface

This interface enables client applications to influence the security of the browser components.

IInternetSecurityManager Methods

GetSecurityId Retrieves the security identification of the given URL.
GetSecuritySite Retrieves the security site manager.
GetZoneMappings Retrieves the complete set of patterns mapped to a zone.
MapUrlToZone Retrieves the zone index for the given URL.
ProcessUrlAction Determines the policy for the specified action and displays a user interface if the policy indicates that the user should be queried.
QueryCustomPolicy Retrieves the custom policy associated with the URL and specified key in the given context.
SetSecuritySite Sets the security site manager.
SetZoneMapping Maps a pattern into the specified zone.

Interface Information

Implementation System (Urlmon.dll), Application
Inherits from IUnknown
Header and IDL files Urlmon.h, Urlmon.idl
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0
Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT


Use SID_SInternetSecurityManager to request this interface when using IServiceProvider::QueryService.

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