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IInternetSecurityManager::SetZoneMapping Method

Maps a pattern into the specified zone.


HRESULT SetZoneMapping(
    DWORD dwZone,
    LPCWSTR lpszPattern,
    DWORD dwFlags


[in] Unsigned long integer value that specifies the zone index.
[in] Address of a string value that contains the URL pattern with a limited number of wildcards.
[in] Unsigned long integer value that indicates whether the mappings should be added or deleted. This can be one of the SZM_FLAGS values.

Return Value

Returns one of the following values:

S_OK Success.
E_ACCESSDENIED Attempted to enter a non-SSL site into a zone that requires server verification.
URL_E_INVALID_SCHEME Either an improper scheme or no scheme is specified in the URL.
E_FAIL The mapping already exists.


The method can also return the HRESULT derived from the Win32® error code ERROR_FILE_EXISTS to indicate that the URL already exists in another zone.

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