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IXMLDOMDocument::load Method

Loads an XML document from the specified location.

Visual Basic Syntax

boolValue = oXMLDOMDocument.load(xmlSource)

C/C++ Syntax

    VARIANT xmlSource,
    VARIANT_BOOL *isSuccessful);


[in] Indicator of the object that specifies the source for the XML document. The object can represent a URL, a request object, an IStream, a SAFEARRAY, or an IXMLDOMDocument. For details, see the Remarks section below.
[out] True if the load succeeded, or false if the load failed.

C/C++ Return Values

Value returned if successful.
Value when VARIANT_FALSE is returned. 
Value returned if isSuccessful is null.


The load behavior differs based on the object specified by the xmlSource parameter.

StringSpecifies the URL to be loaded. This URL must meet basic security constraints to be accessed. If the URL cannot be resolved or accessed or does not reference an XML document, this method returns an error and sets the IXMLDOMDocument interface's documentElement property to null.

IIS request object Reads and parses the data from the request object.

Calling load or loadXML on an existing document immediately discards the content of the document.

This member is an extension of the W3C DOM.

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