This part of the XML DOM reference describes the programming interface syntax for C, C++, and Visual Basic developers. The following tables list the XML Document Object Model (DOM) programming interfaces by category.
XML DOM Interfaces
The following interfaces represent implementations of the XML DOM core interfaces, as well as Microsoft extensions to support namespaces, data types, XML schemas, XSL operations, asynchronous loading, and saving documents.
IXMLDOMDocument Represents the top node of the XML DOM tree. IXMLDOMNode Represents a single node in the document tree; the base interface for accessing data in the XML object model. Valid node types are defined in the DOMNodeType enumeration. This interface includes support for data types, namespaces, DTDs, and XML schemas. IXMLDOMNodeList Supports iteration and indexed access operations on the live collection of IXMLDOMNode objects. IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap Provides iteration and access by name to the collection of attributes. This interface includes support for namespaces. IXMLDOMParseError Returns detailed information about the last error, including the line number, character position, and a text description. IXMLHttpRequest Provides a scriptable interface for sending and receiving XML via HTTP, including the ability to communicate with servers that support DAV. IXTLRuntime Implements methods that can be called from XSL style sheets.
DOM Object Interfaces
The following interfaces represent implementations of the XML DOM object interfaces.
IXMLDOMAttribute Represents an attribute object. IXMLDOMCDATASection Quotes or escapes blocks of text so that text is not interpreted as markup. IXMLDOMCharacterData Provides text manipulation methods that are used by several objects. IXMLDOMComment Represents the content of an XML comment. IXMLDOMDocumentFragment Represents a lightweight object that is useful for tree insert operations. IXMLDOMDocumentType Contains information associated with the document type declaration. IXMLDOMElement Represents the element object. IXMLDOMEntity Represents a parsed or unparsed entity in the XML document. IXMLDOMEntityReference Represents an entity reference node. IXMLDOMImplementation Provides methods that are independent of any particular instance of the document object model. IXMLDOMNotation Contains a notation declared in the DTD or schema. IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction Represents a processing instruction, which XML defines to keep processor-specific information in the text of the document. IXMLDOMText Represents the text content of an element or attribute.
The DOMNodeType enumeration lists all valid node types.
Header Files
The interface header files can be obtained from the Web & Internet Samples Download Area. To download the header files:
- You will first need to have Internet Explorer 5
- From the Web & Internet Samples Download Area select Next at the bottom right corner of the page.
- A dialog appears asking if you would like to have an automatic search of your system to determine which components you need. Select No if you are only going to build XML applications.
- Select Headers & Libraries for Internet Explorer 5 and Win32 Headers & Libraries for Windows 2000. Select Next .
- Select where to download the files from.
- Select Install Now, read the End User License Agreement, and select a location for the new headers and libraries; the default is C:\SBN. Start the installation.
- Start Visual C++. Select Tools|Options|Directories. The choice lists should show Win32 for Platform and Include files for Show directories for .
- Add C:\SBN\Include and C:\SBN\Include\NT5 to the top of the list of directories.
- Change Show Directories for to Library files .
- Add C:\SBN\Lib and C:\SBN\Lib\NT5 to the top of the list of directories.
See Also