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element Element

Refers to a declared element type that can appear within the scope of the named ElementType element.


    [minOccurs="{0 | 1}"] 
    [maxOccurs="{1 | *}"] 


Name of an ElementType element defined in this schema (or another schema indicated by the specified namespace). The supplied value must correspond to the name attribute on the ElementType element. Note that the type can include a namespace prefix.
Optional. Minimum number of times the reference element type can occur on the element. The following values can be assigned to this attribute.
0 When the minimum value is zero, the specified element is not required; the element is optional.
1 The specified element must occur at least once.
Optional. Maximum number of times the element can occur on the element. The following values can be assigned to this attribute.
1 Can occur at most once.
* Unlimited number of occurrences.

Element Information

Number of occurrences Number of element types defined in the schema.
Parent elements ElementType, group
Child elements (No child elements)
Requires closing tag Yes. XML Schema is an XML grammar and, like all XML grammars, all tags must have closing tags to satisfy the definition of well-formed.


ElementType declarations can constrain the content and attributes that appear in elements of the named type by referring to other element type or attribute type declarations.

The minOccurs and maxOccurs attributes have the default value "1." An element with neither attribute specified uses these default values and therefore must appear once and only once in a content model.

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