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XMLDOMDocument Object

This object represents the top level of the XML source. It includes methods and properties to obtain or create all other XML objects.



The XMLDOMDocument object represents the top node in the tree. It implements all of the base DOM document methods and provides additional methods and properties that support XSL and XML transformations.

Although there are many programming objects, only one object can be created: the document. All other interfaces are accessed or created from the document.

The document can be created using either a free-threaded or a rental threading model. The behavior of the two models is identical; rental-threaded documents exhibit better performance because the parser need not manage concurrent access among threads. Note that you cannot combine nodes or documents that are created using differing threading models. The document threading model is determined by the following settings.

SettingRental-threaded modelFree-threaded model
Version Independent ProgID Microsoft.XMLDOM Microsoft.FreeThreadedXMLDOM
ProgID Microsoft.XMLDOM.1.0 Microsoft.FreeThreadedXMLDOM.1.0
ClassID 2933BF90-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60 2933BF91-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60
VB Class Name DOMDocument FreeThreadedDOMDocument


The following JScript examples demonstrate how to create the two types of objects:

var objDoc = new ActiveXObjet("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); var objFTDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.FreeThreadedXMLDOM");

And in VBScript,

Set objDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") Set objFTDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.FreeThreadedXMLDOM")

See Also


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