Error messages returned by the XSL processor.
XSL Errors
XSL_PROCESSOR_STACKOVERFLOW The XSL processor stack has overflowed - probable cause is infinite template recursion. XSL_PROCESSOR_UNEXPECTEDKEYWORD Keyword %1 may not be used here. XSL_PROCESSOR_BADROOTELEMENT The root element of XSL stylesheet must be <xsl:document> or <xsl:template>. XSL_PROCESSOR_KEYWORDMAYNOTFOLLOW Keyword %1 may not follow %2. XSL_PROCESSOR_INVALIDSCRIPTENGINE %1 is not a scripting language. XSL_PROCESSOR_SCRIPTERROR_LINE line = %1, col = %2 (line is offset from the <xsl:script> tag). XSL_PROCESSOR_METHODERROR Error returned from property or method call. XSL_KEYWORD_MAYNOTCONTAIN Keyword %1 may not contain %2.