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Information Methods

The XSL Pattern syntax supports methods to provide information about nodes in a collection. These methods return strings or numbers, and can be used with comparison operators in filter patterns.

Information Methods

date Casts values to date format.
end Returns true for the last element in a collection.
index Returns the index number of the node within the parent.
nodeName Returns the tag name of the node, including the namespace prefix.
nodeType Returns a number to indicate the type of the node.
number Casts values to number format.
value Returns a typed version of the value of an element.


If data types are provided, the value function uses them to determine the type for an element. For purposes of comparison, the lvalue is always cast to the type of the rvalue, thereby guaranteeing that the types will be constant through the comparison. Any lvalues that cannot be coerced are omitted from the result set.

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