Properties for creating or customizing pop-up forms and custom dialog boxes

Properties for creating or customizing pop-up forms and custom dialog boxes

The following table lists properties you can use to create or customize pop-up forms and custom dialog boxes. For more information on any of these properties, click the property in the property sheet and press F1.

This property Determines
PopUp Whether a form opens as a pop-up form. A pop-up form always remains on top of other Microsoft Access windows.
Modal Whether a form opens as a modeless form (you can switch to other windows) or a modal form (the form retains the focus until it's closed).
BorderStyle The type of border and border elements (title bar, Close button , Control menu, Maximize and Minimize buttons) to use for the form. It also determines whether the form is sizable.
ControlBox Whether a form has a Control menu in Form view.
MinMaxButtons Whether a form has Minimize and Maximize buttons in Form view. If you set the BorderStyle property to Dialog, Microsoft Access automatically removes the Minimize and Maximize buttons.
CloseButton Whether the Close button is disabled.
ScrollBars Whether a form has scroll bars.
NavigationButtons Whether a form has navigation buttons.
RecordSelectors Whether a form has record selectors.
ShortcutMenu Whether a shortcut menu is displayed when you right-click a form.
AutoCenter Whether a form is centered automatically in the application window when the form is opened.
AllowEdits Whether a user can make any editing changes to saved records in a form.
AllowDeletions Whether a user can delete records using a form.
AllowAdditions Whether a user can add records using a form.
DataEntry Whether a form shows all records or a blank (new) record when it opens.
DefaultView Whether a form is displayed in Datasheet view, as a single form (one record), or as a continuous form (multiple records).
ViewsAllowed Whether you can switch between Form view and Datasheet view.