What's new about working with data and database design?
Microsoft Access 2000 provides many new features that make working with data and designing a database even easier.
- Use record-level locking A Microsoft Access database now supports record-level locking, in addition to page-level locking (which locks all records on a 4K page). You enable the locking level with the new database option, Open databases using record level locking (Tools menu, Options command, Advanced Tab). The actual level that is used depends on how the Access database is programmed.
- Find and replace You can now move freely between the Find and Replace dialog boxes and the data in the view or window.
- View related data in a subdatasheet Use a subdatasheet to view and edit related or joined data in a table, query, or form datasheet, or in a subform all from the same view. For example, in the Northwind sample database the Suppliers table has a one-to-many relationship with the Products table; so for each row of the Suppliers table in Datasheet view, you can view and edit the related rows of the Products table in a subdatasheet.
- Automatically fix errors caused by renaming fields Name AutoCorrect automatically corrects common side effects that occur when you rename forms, reports, tables, queries, fields, text boxes or other controls.
- Take advantage of Unicode support Use the characters of any language that Unicode supports in your data. Use Unicode compression to offset the effect of Unicode's increased storage space requirements. Take advantage of dual-font support — specify a substitute font that you can use in addition to your default font to properly display all of the characters in your data.
- Work with the euro To easily display euro amounts with other currencies, you can use the euro setting (
#,###.##) of the Format property to indicate a euro amount. Alternatively, you can enter the euro symbol (
) by pressing ALT+0128 on the numeric keypad with NUM LOCK on. When you paste or import data that contains the euro symbol (
) from Microsoft Excel 2000 into Microsoft Access, Access stores the euro symbol regardless of the currency symbol defined in Regional Settings in Windows Control Panel. Finally, you can use the EuroConvert function to convert one currency to another by using the euro as an intermediary. More about working with the euro.
- Print relationships Print a report of the relationships in your Access database as they appear in the Relationships window.
- Use the keyboard to manage relationships Use the keyboard to create, edit, and delete relationships and joins.
- Use Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) Use Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) to access and manipulate data in a database server through any OLE DB provider.