Troubleshoot editing data in a field in Datasheet or Form view
Troubleshoot editing data in a field in Datasheet or Form view
There are several kinds of fields in forms or datasheets that you can't edit. The following fields display values just as regular fields do, but if you try to enter data into them, nothing happens:
AutoNumber fields. If a field in a Microsoft Access database has an AutoNumber data type or in a Microsoft Access project has a numeric data type with the Identity property set, Access automatically assigns a number to this field for each record you add. This type of field is often used as a record ID number or primary key. When you start adding a new record, Access automatically fills in the field's value for you and you can't edit it.
Calculated fields. In an Access database, a calculated field displays values that Access calculates. They are usually based on other fields in your tables, but calculated fields are not stored in tables. You can't edit calculated fields.
Locked or disabled fields. If a control on a form has the Locked property set to Yes or the Enabled property set to No, you can't edit the data in the field.
Fields in a locked record. If you use an Access database in a multiuser environment and a record is locked by another user, you can't edit the data in the record. When you move to a locked record, the locked record indicator is displayed in the record selector.
Fields in snapshots. While most queries return recordsets that you can edit, some queries return snapshots, which can't be edited.
Field in a read-only form or a locked database. If the form you're using has the AllowEdits property set to No or if the underlying data is read-only or locked by another person, you can't edit data in the form.
You may be having problems entering dates in a field with the Date/Time data type. If you are entering dates using the slash mark format, don't enter a trailing slash mark. For example, entering 1/3 is valid, but 1/3/ is not valid.