Group records on a data access page

Group records on a data access page

Grouping records on a data access page is similar to grouping records on a report: you can create a hierarchy that groups records from general categories to specific details. You can view the data on pages with grouped records, but you can't add, edit, or delete data.

Read an overview about grouping records on data access pages.

What do you want to do?

Group records by each value in a grouping field. For example, group sales by employee name.

Group records by using an expression

Group records by the first n characters in a text value. For example, group products by the first letter of the product name.

Group records on intervals of date or time values. For example, group sales by month.

Group records on intervals of autonumbered, currency, or numeric values. For example, group sales in intervals of 1,000.

Note   You can use any of the above methods to create a grouped page and create a filter that allows you to select which group of records to display when the page is open in Page view or in Microsoft Internet Explorer.