Convert a previous-version database to Microsoft Access 2000

Convert a previous-version database to Microsoft Access 2000

  1. Make a backup copy of the Access database you're going to convert, to keep until you're comfortable working with the Microsoft Access 2000 database.

  2. Close the Microsoft Access database you're going to convert.

    If the Access database is a multiuser database located on a server or in a shared folder, make sure that no one else has it open.

  3. In Microsoft Access 2000, point to Database Utilities on the Tools menu; point to Convert Database and then click To Current Access Database Version.

  4. In the Database To Convert From dialog box, select the database you want to convert and then click Convert.

  5. In the Convert Database Into dialog box, do one of the following:

    You cannot convert an Access database into a file with the same name and location as the original database.

  6. Click Save.

Microsoft Access converts the database to Access 2000 format.
