If you don't want users to see or use the Database window, which appears behind the form, clear the Display Database Window check box.
Even if you clear the Display Database Window check box, the Database window may still be accessible. For more information, click .
Changes to these settings in the Startup dialog box won't take effect until the next time the Access database or Access project is opened.
The Northwind sample database has a startup form. It also has the Main Switchboard form, an example of a form you might use to control navigation in your Access database or Access project. To view these forms, open the Northwind database in your Office folder’s Samples folder. The Startup form appears automatically when you open Northwind, but you can view it or the Main Switchboard form whenever you want by clicking Forms under Objects in the Database window, clicking Startup or Main Switchboard, and then clicking the Open button on the Database window toolbar. For information on opening Northwind, click .
For a list of issues to consider when setting options in the Startup dialog box, click .