Display the most current data in an Access database in Datasheet or Form view

Display the most current data in an Access database in Datasheet or Form view

If you are using a Microsoft Access database that's shared on a network, other users could be changing data while you are viewing the same data in a datasheet or form. Microsoft Access updates the data you see at regular intervals. You can change how often data is automatically updated. For more information, click .

Follow this procedure to display the most current data immediately.

  1. Open a table, query, or form in Datasheet view, or a form in Form view.

  2. Click Refresh on the Records menu.

The Refresh command updates only data that already exists in your datasheet or form. It doesn't reorder records, display new records, or remove deleted records and records that no longer meet specified criteria. To perform those actions, requery the records by pressing SHIFT+F9.