Find blank fields or zero-length strings using the Find dialog box
- In Form or Datasheet view, click in the field (column) you want to search, and then click Find
on the toolbar.
- Click More, if necessary.
- Do one of the following:
- If blank fields are formatted (such as "Unknown"), type the formatted string, and make sure that the Search Fields As Formatted check box is selected. To find unformatted blank fields in a Microsoft Access database, in the Find What box, type Null or Is Null, and make sure that the Search Fields As Formatted check box is not selected.
- To find zero-length strings, in the Find What box, type double quotation marks (""), with no spaces in between, and make sure that the Search Fields As Formatted check box is not selected.
- In the Search box, select Up or Down.
- In the Match box, make sure that Whole Field is selected.
- In the Look In box, select the field to search.
- To find one or more occurrences of a blank, click Find Next.