Import or link SQL database tables or data from other ODBC data sources

Import or link SQL database tables or data from other ODBC data sources

Note   You can link a table only in a Microsoft Access database, not a Microsoft Access project.

Important   You cannot import or link an SQL or other ODBC data source unless you have installed the appropriate driver.

  1. Open a database, or switch to the Database window for the open database.

  2. To import tables, on the File menu, point to Get External Data, and then click Import.

    To link tables, on the File menu, point to Get External Data, and then click Link Tables.

  3. In the Import (or Link) dialog box, in the Files Of Type box, select ODBC Databases ().

    Important   If you link to a file on a local area network, make sure to use a universal naming convention (UNC) path, instead of relying on the drive letter of a mapped network drive in Windows Explorer. A drive letter can vary on a computer or may not always be defined, whereas a UNC path is a reliable and consistent way for Microsoft Access to locate the data source that contains the linked table.

    The Select Data Source dialog box lists the defined data sources for any ODBC drivers that are installed on your computer. Click either the File Data Source or Machine Data Source tab, and then double-click the ODBC data source that you want to import. To define a new data source for any installed ODBC driver, click New, and then follow the instructions in the Create New Data Source dialog box and the dialog boxes that follow it before continuing. More information about data sources.

  4. If the ODBC data source that you selected requires you to log on, enter your logon ID and password (additional information might also be required), and then click OK.

    Microsoft Access connects to the ODBC data source and displays the list of tables that you can import or link.

  5. If you're linking a table, select the Save The Login ID And Password check box to save the information for the table in the current databaseso that users won't have to enter it. If you leave the check box cleared, all users must enter the logon ID and password every time they open the table in each new session with Microsoft Access. Your SQL database administrator can also choose to disable this check box, requiring all users to enter the logon ID and password each time they connect to the SQL database. For information on how to disable the Save The Login ID And Password check box, click .

  6. Click each table that you want to import or link, and then click OK. If you're linking a table and it doesn't have an index that uniquely identifies each record, then Microsoft Access displays a list of the fields in the linked table. Click a field or a combination of fields that will uniquely identify each record, and then click OK.
