To use server-generated HTML files (either ASP or IDC/HTX) on a Web server, you need to do the following.
For a Microsoft Access database, create a user-level security username and password to allow users to access the Access database from the Web page. If you do not create a user-level security username or password, the default username is Admin, and no password is used. Learn about user-level security in an Access database.
For a Microsoft Access project, in the Username and Password boxes, create a database username and password to allow users to access the Microsoft SQL Server database from the Web page. If you do not create a username or password, the default username is Sa, and no password is used. Learn about SQL Server database security.
The username and password must match the username and password that you enter in the User to Connect As and Password for User boxes of the Microsoft Active Server Pages Output Options or HTX/IDC Output Options dialog boxes that appear when you output the ASP or IDC/HTX files.
Note If you need to export multiple datasheets, you can automate the operation by creating a macro or creating a Visual Basic for Applications program. This is particularly useful when you frequently export datasheets to test and build a Web site.