Connect a data access page or other Web page to a database

Connect a data access page or other Web page to a database

If no database is open when you create a data access page or when you open in Microsoft Access a Web page created outside of Access, Access prompts you for connection information. If you don't specify the connection information when prompted, you'll need to specify it after you've opened the page; otherwise, you won't be able to bind database data to the page. In addition, if you change the location of a database after creating a data access page that stores the original location in its ConnectionString property, you'll need to change the connection information for the page.

  1. In Design view of a data access page, display the field list.

  2. Right-click the database icon at the top of the list.

  3. On the shortcut menu, click Connection.

  4. Specify the connection information for the database you want to use for the data access page.

    For information about the Connection dialog box, click the Help button at the bottom of the dialog box.
