SubdatasheetHeight Property

SubdatasheetHeight Property

See Also                  Applies To

You can use the SubdatasheetHeight property to specify or determine the display height of a subdatasheet when expanded.

Note   The SubdatasheetHeight property applies only to tables and queries within a Microsoft Access database (.mdb).


The SubdatasheetHeight property in a numeric expression representing the default height to display in the subdatasheet.

The easiest way to set the SubdatasheetHeight property is by using a table's property sheet. You can set this property by using Visual Basic. In Visual Basic, the property's value is expressed in twips.

To set the SubdatasheetHeight property by using Visual Basic, you must first either:


If the subdatasheet includes more records than the height setting can accommodate, a vertical scrollbar is displayed.

The SubdatasheetHeight property setting includes the New Record row if adding new records is supported. It does not include the column header row or scrollbar region.

The SubdatasheetHeight and SubdatasheetExpanded properties take effect on the subform control when the form is in datasheet view.