I can't locate the HTML file corresponding to my data access page

I can't locate the HTML file corresponding to my data access page

The HTML file associated with the data access page has been renamed, moved, or deleted.

Although a data access page is a database object, most of the information about a page is stored in a corresponding HTML file. You specify the name and location of this HTML file the first time you create a data access page. Microsoft Access keeps a shortcut in the Database window to the corresponding HTML file's location in your file system. You can see the HTML file's location in the Database window by resting the pointer on the name of the page.

If the HTML file has been renamed or moved, you can either restore the HTML file's original name, move the HTML file back to its original location, or change the shortcut maintained by Microsoft Access to the new name or location (Click Locate in the message box displayed when Microsoft Access cannot locate the HTML file).

Caution   It's possible to have two or more pages in the same or different Microsoft Access databases or Microsoft Access projects pointing to the same HTML file. For example, you may have copied or imported the page. Although you may want to do this, it's a good idea to modify the page in page Design view in only one Access database or Access project at a time to avoid problems sharing and possibly losing design changes.

Warning   If the HTML file is deleted, you cannot recover the page unless you can retrieve the HTML file from a backup copy. Learn about securing a page.