About Visual Basic scripts in a Web page

About Visual Basic scripts in a Web page

A script is a type of computer code that can be used to make your Web page dynamic. For example, a script could be used to include a "number of visitors" counter that increments each time someone visits your Web page. Or a script could be used to include a countdown to a special event: "only x more days", where x decreases by 1 every day. Creating scripts is an advanced Office feature that requires programming knowledge. If you are a developer, you can create and edit scripts directly on your Web pages in Microsoft Access. Usually scripts are run by a Web browser when a Web page is opened or in Web page Page view, typically to display information produced by the script.

Note of caution

Be careful when copying and moving scripts. Although some scripts are self-contained and work correctly in any location on any Web page, other scripts are dependent on the structure of the Web page. When copied or moved to another Web page — or to another location on a Web page — these scripts might not run correctly or might return errors when viewed in a browser or Page view.