About where to save on the Web

About where to save on the Web

The steps that you take to save your data access pages to the Web depend on where you want to share them. This topic provides reference information about:

Making your data access pages available on an intranet

Making your data access pages available on the Internet

Managing Web pages on an intranet or the Internet

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Making your data access pages available on an intranet

If your company uses an intranet that is based on Internet protocols, you can use Web Folders to save copies of your data access pages to a Web server. You must have access to a Web server before you can copy or manage folders and files on a Web server. To get the URL of a Web server that you can save files to, see your system administrator.

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Making your data access page available on the Internet

To make your data access pages available on the Internet, you need to either locate an Internet service provider that allocates space for data access pages or install Web server software on your computer. Some factors to consider in setting up your computer as a Web server are your computer's speed and availability. If you don't want to leave your computer on all day or most of the day, you might not want to set up your computer as a Web server.

Here are some options for saving your Web pages on the Internet.

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Managing data access pages on an intranet or the Internet

If you are working with an Internet service provider or your organization's Web administrator, you should ask how the data access pages, graphics files, and other files should be structured on the server. For example, find out whether you need to create separate folders for bullets and pictures, or whether you need to store all the files in one location. If you plan to use forms or image maps, ask about any limitations on using these items, as they require additional server support. Learn about guidelines for managing Web files and links.

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More information

Publish data access pages and other Web pages

Troubleshoot data access page options

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