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Splash Command

Microsoft Corporation

Updated June 10, 1999


Displays an image for a specified number of seconds when the file that contains the HTML Help ActiveX control is opened. For example, using the Splash command, you could display a product logo or welcome message when a compiled help (.chm) file or Web page is first opened.

This command can be used with either a compiled help file or uncompiled HTML files.


<PARAM  name="Command" value="Splash">

<PARAM name="Item1" value="image file path">
<PARAM name="Item2" value="millisecond value">
[<PARAM name="Item3" value="alternate image file path">]

Property Description
Command Calls the Splash command.
Item1 Specifies the image file path. Supported image file formats are .gif, .jpeg, or .bmp.
Item2 Specifies the length of time to display the image in milliseconds (1000 milliseconds = 1 second).
Item3 Specifies an alternate image file to display if the user's display configuration supports more than 256 colors. Optional.



<PARAM name="Command" value="Splash">
<PARAM name="Item1" value="test.gif">
<PARAM name="Item2" value="5000">

Sample Splash command

Click here to see a splash screen.


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