This interface provides the ability to programmatically access the element's style properties.
IHTMLCurrentStyle Methods
get_accelerator Retrieves the current value of the accessKey (accelerator) property of the element. get_backgroundAttachment Retrieves the current value of the backgroundAttachment property of the element. get_backgroundColor Retrieves the backgroundColor property of the element. get_backgroundImage Retrieves the backgroundImage property of the element. get_backgroundPositionX Retrieves the x-axis offset value of the backgroundPosition property of the element. get_backgroundPositionY Retrieves the y-axis offset value of the backgroundPosition property of the element. get_backgroundRepeat Retrieves the current value of the backgroundRepeat property of the element. get_behavior Retrieves the current value of the behavior property of the element. get_borderBottomColor Retrieves the current value of the borderBottomColor property of the element. get_borderBottomStyle Retrieves the current value of the borderBottomStyle property of the element. get_borderBottomWidth Retrieves the current value of the borderBottomWidth property of the element. get_borderCollapse Retrieves the current value of the borderCollapse property of the element. get_borderLeftColor Retrieves the current value of the borderLeftColor property of the element. get_borderLeftStyle Retrieves the current value of the borderLeftStyle property of the element. get_borderLeftWidth Retrieves the current value of the borderLeftWidth property of the element. get_borderRightColor Retrieves the current value of the borderRightColor property of the element. get_borderRightStyle Retrieves the current value of the borderRightStyle property of the element. get_borderRightWidth Retrieves the current value of the borderRightWidth property of the element. get_borderTopColor Retrieves the current value of the borderTopColor property of the element. get_borderTopStyle Retrieves the current value of the borderTopStyle property of the element. get_borderTopWidth Retrieves the current value of the borderTopWidth property of the element. get_bottom Retrieves the current value of the bottom property of the element. get_clear Retrieves a string that specifies the current value of the clear property of the element. get_clipBottom Retrieves the current value of the clipBottom property of the element. get_clipLeft Retrieves the current value of the clipLeft property of the element. get_clipRight Retrieves the current value of the clipRight property of the element. get_clipTop Retrieves the current value of the clipTop property of the element. get_color Retrieves the current value of the color property of the element. get_cursor Retrieves the current value of the cursor property of the element. get_direction Retrieves the current value of the direction property of the element. get_display Retrieves a string that specifies the current value of the display property of the element. get_fontFamily Retrieves the current value of the fontFamily property of the element. get_fontSize Retrieves the current value of the fontSize property of the element. get_fontStyle Retrieves the value that indicates whether the current value of the fontStyle property of the element is italic, normal, or oblique. get_fontVariant Retrieves the value that indicates whether the current value of the fontVariant property of the element is in small caps or no variation. get_fontWeight Retrieves the current value of the fontWeight property of the element. get_height Retrieves the current value of the height of the element, in pixels. get_imeMode Retrieves the current value of the imeMode property of the element. get_layoutGridChar Retrieves the current value of the layoutGridChar property of the element. get_layoutGridLine Retrieves the current value of the layoutGridLine property of the element. get_layoutGridMode Retrieves the current value of the layoutGridMode property of the element. get_layoutGridType Retrieves the current value of the layoutGridType property of the element. get_left Retrieves the current value of the left property of the element. get_letterSpacing Retrieves the current value of the letterSpacing property of the element. get_lineBreak Retrieves the current value of the lineBreak property of the element. get_lineHeight Retrieves the current value of the lineHeight property of the element. get_listStyleImage Retrieves the current value of the listStyleImage property of the element. get_listStylePosition Retrieves the current value of the listStylePosition property of the element. get_listStyleType Retrieves the current value of the listStyleType property of the element, in pixels. get_marginBottom Retrieves the current value of the marginBottom property of the element, in pixels. get_marginLeft Retrieves the current value of the marginLeft property of the element, in pixels. get_marginRight Retrieves the current value of the marginRight property of the element, in pixels. get_marginTop Retrieves the current value of the marginTop property of the element, in pixels. get_overflow Retrieves what should be done when the content of the element exceeds the height and/or width of the element. get_overflowX Retrieves the current value of the overflow property of the element along the X axis. get_overflowY Retrieves the current value of the overflow property of the element along the Y axis. get_paddingBottom Retrieves the current value of the paddingBottom property of the element. get_paddingLeft Retrieves the current value of the paddingLeft property of the element. get_paddingRight Retrieves the current value of the paddingRight property of the element. get_paddingTop Retrieves the current value of the paddingTop property of the element. get_pageBreakAfter Retrieves the value that indicates whether a pageBreakAfter property is inserted after the element. get_pageBreakBefore Retrieves the value that indicates whether a pageBreakBefore property is inserted before the element. get_position Retrieves the current value of the position property of the element. get_right Retrieves the current value of the right property of the element. get_rubyAlign Retrieves the current value of the rubyAlign property of the element. get_rubyOverhang Retrieves the current value of the rubyOverhang property of the element. get_rubyPosition Retrieves the current value of the rubyPosition property of the element. get_styleFloat Retrieves the current value of the styleFloat property of the element. get_tableLayout Retrieves the current value of the tableLayout property of the element. get_textAlign Retrieves the current value of the textAlign property of the element. get_textAutospace Retrieves the current value of the textAutospace property of the element. get_textDecoration Retrieves the current value of the textDecoration property of the element. get_textIndent Retrieves the current value of the textIndent property of the element. get_textJustify Retrieves the current value of the textJustify property of the element. get_textTransform Retrieves the current value of the textTransform property of the element. get_top Retrieves the current value of the top property of the element. get_unicodeBidi Retrieves the current value of the unicodeBidi property of the element. get_verticalAlign Retrieves the current value of the verticalAlign property of the element, in pixels. get_visibility Retrieves the current value of the visibility property of the element. get_width Retrieves the current value of the width property of the element, in pixels. get_wordBreak Retrieves the current value of the wordBreak property of the element. get_zIndex Retrieves the current value of the zIndex property of the element as an integer VARIANT. getAttribute Retrieves the current value of the specific style attribute of the element. put_behavior Sets the behavior property of the element. put_bottom Sets the current value of the bottom property of the element. put_imeMode Sets the current value of the imeMode property of the element. put_layoutGridChar Sets the current value of the layoutGridChar property of the element. put_layoutGridLine Sets the current value of the layoutGridLine property of the element. put_layoutGridMode Sets the current value of the layoutGridMode property of the element. put_layoutGridType Sets the current value of the layoutGridType property of the element. put_lineBreak Sets the current value of the lineBreak property of the element. put_right Sets the current value of the right property of the element. put_rubyAlign Sets the current value of the rubyAlign property of the element. put_rubyOverhang Sets the current value of the rubyOverhang property of the element. put_rubyPosition Sets the current value of the rubyPosition property of the element. put_textAutospace Sets the current value of the textAutospace property of the element. put_textJustify Sets the current value of the textJustify property of the element. put_unicodeBidi Sets the current value of the unicodeBidi property of the element. put_wordBreak Sets the current value of the wordBreak property of the element.
Interface Information
Implementation System (Mshtml.dll) Inherits from IDispatch Header and IDL files Mshtml.h, Mshtml.idl Minimum availability Internet Explorer 5 Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0