This interface inserts an object into the HTML page.
IHTMLObjectElement Methods
get_align Retrieves how the element is aligned with adjacent text. get_altHtml Retrieves the string of alternative text that would be displayed for the object if the object is unable to be instantiated, or the browser does not support objects. get_BaseHref Retrieves a string of the BASE href where the object tag can be found. This is often the base href of the document that the object is in, or the value set by a BASE tag. get_classid Retrieves the class identifier for the OBJECT. get_code Retrieves a URL referencing where to find the implementation of the object. get_codeBase Retrieves a URL referencing where to find the implementation of the object. get_codeType Retrieves the Internet media type for the code associated with the object. get_data Retrieves a URL referencing the object's data. get_form Retrieves a reference to the form the element is embedded on. get_height Retrieves the calculated height of the element, in pixels. get_hspace Retrieves the amount of horizontal space for the object, defined in pixels. get_name Retrieves the name of the control, bookmark, or application. get_object Retrieves the contained OBJECT. get_onerror Retrieves a pointer to the event handler function associated with the onerror event on the OBJECT element. This error event occurs when the loading of the object causes an error. get_onreadystatechange Retrieves a pointer to the event handler function associated with the onreadystatechange event on the OBJECT element. This event is fired whenever the readyState for the object has changed. get_readyState Retrieves the current state of an object being downloaded. get_recordset Retrieves the recordset if the object is a data provider. get_type Retrieves the MIME type of the object. This is used to retrieve a classid property for the object when no CLASSID= attribute is given. get_vspace Retrieves the amount of vertical space for the object, defined in pixels. get_width Retrieves the calculated width of the element, in pixels. put_align Sets how the element is aligned with adjacent text. put_altHtml Sets the string of alternative text that could be displayed instead of the object. put_code Sets a URL referencing where to find the implementation of the object. put_codeBase Sets a URL referencing where to find the implementation of the object. put_codeType Sets the Internet media type for the code associated with the object. put_height Sets the calculated height of the element, in pixels. put_hspace Sets the amount of horizontal space for the object, defined in pixels. put_name Sets the name of the control, bookmark, or application. put_onerror Sets a pointer to the event handler function associated with the onerror event on the OBJECT element. This error event occurs when the loading of the object causes an error. put_onreadystatechange Sets a pointer to the event handler function associated with the onreadystatechange event on the OBJECT element. This event is fired whenever the readyState for the object has changed. put_type Sets the MIME type of the object. This is used to set a classid property for the object when no CLASSID= attribute is given. put_vspace Sets the amount of vertical space for the object, defined in pixels. put_width Sets the calculated width of the element, in pixels.
Interface Information
Implementation System (Mshtml.dll) Inherits from IDispatch Header and IDL files Mshtml.h, Mshtml.idl Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0 Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0
Windows CE
Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0
The OBJECT element is a block element.