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createAttribute Method

Creates a new attribute with the specified name.


objXMLDOMAttribute = oXMLDOMDocument.createAttribute(name)


String specifying the name of the new attribute object. This name is subsequently available as the new node's nodeName property.


Object. Returns the new XMLDOMAttribute object.


Creating an attribute with this method is the same as using createNode where the Type parameter value is NODE_ATTRIBUTE and no namespace is specified.

You cannot create a namespace-qualified attribute using the createAttribute method. Regardless of whether a namespace prefix is included in name, the namespaceURI property for the new attribute is set to an empty string, "". An attribute constructed as part of an XML document load operation will never have both a prefix and an empty namespace URI. You can only create a namespace-qualified attribute using the XMLDOMDocument 's createNode method.

No data value is set for the attribute during the create operation. You can set the value by calling the element object's setAttribute method.

Although this method creates the new object in the context of this document, this method does not automatically add the new object to the document tree. In other words, although the ownerDocument property of the new node points to this document object, the parentNode property is set to NULL. To associate the attribute with an element, call the XMLDOMElement object's setAttribute method.  

The nodeType property has the value NODE_ATTRIBUTE.


The following VBScript example creates a new attribute called ID and adds it to the attributes of the XMLDOMDocument object:

Dim xmlDoc
Dim root
Dim newAtt
Dim namedNodeMap

Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("microsoft.xmldom")
xmlDoc.async = False
Set root = xmlDoc.documentElement
Set newAtt = xmlDoc.createAttribute("ID")
Set namedNodeMap = root.attributes
namedNodeMap.setNamedItem newAtt

For i = 0 to (namedNodeMap.length -1)
  MsgBox (namedNodeMap.item(i).xml)

Applies To

[ Object Name ]

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