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ontransformnode Property

Specifies the event handler for the ontransformnode event.


objXMLDOMDocument.ontransformnode = value


The property is write-only. A transformation involves two trees: the XML source and the style sheet that is applied to it. The ontransformnode event fires before each node in the style sheet is applied to each node in the XML source.

The ontransformnode property provides a way for developers to specify their own event handler that overrides the default handler.

This member is an extension of the W3C DOM.


In this example, the XML data island named "target" contains the XML source data, and the XML data island named "ss" contains the XSL style sheet.

<XML id=target>
        <PERSON name="Atkinson, Teresa"  />
<PERSON name="Debroux, Steve" />
<PERSON name="O'Hara, Robert" />
<PERSON name="Porzuczek, Peter" />

<XML id=ss>
  <xsl:template match="/" xmlns:xsl="">
   <xsl:for-each select="/PEOPLE/PERSON/@name" >    
<P><xsl:value-of /></P>

This script contains the Verify function, which sets the ontransformnode property to the event handler, onxform. The event handler is called before the transformation operation on each node, so given the sample data provided in the data islands, this sample calls the alert several times.

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript" FOR="window" EVENT="onload">
document.expando = false;

<Script LANGUAGE="javascript">
function onxform ( code, doc ) {
    alert("Target document node being transformed:\n\n" + doc.xml +
       "\n\nStylesheet node used for the transform:\n\n" + code.xml);
   if (doc.value == "O'Hara, Robert")  
return false;  // stop processing
return true;

function Verify() {
   target.ontransformnode = onxform;
   var sOut = target.XMLDocument.transformNode(ss.XMLDocument);
   div.innerHTML += sOut;
<DIV id=div></DIV>

The return value from the event handler indicates whether to continue processing. In this example, the event handler checks for a particular data value and returns the value "false" to stop transformation processing.

Applies To

[ Object Name ]

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