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resolveExternals Property

Indicates whether external definitions (resolvable namespaces, DTD external subsets, and external entity references) are to be resolved at parse time, independent of validation.


boolVal = objXMLDOMDocument.resolveExternals;
objXMLDOMDocument.resolveExternals = boolVal;


Boolean. The property is read/write.

When isResolving is true, external definitions are resolved at parse time. This allows default attributes and data types to be defined on elements from the schema and allows use of the DTD as a file inclusion mechanism.

This setting is independent of whether validation is to be performed, as indicated by the value of the validateOnParse property. If externals cannot be resolved during validation, a validation error occurs. When the value of isResolving is false, externals are not resolved and validation is not performed.

A resolvable namespace is indicated by a namespace URI that begins with "x-schema:" as its prefix.

The default setting is true.

This member is an extension of the W3C DOM.


The following example sets the resolveExternals property to False before loading a document:

Dim xmlDoc 

Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("microsoft.xmldom") 
xmlDoc.async = False
xmlDoc.resolveExternals = false

Applies To

[ Object Name ]

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