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XMLDOMText Object

The XMLDOMText object represents the text content of an element or attribute.


XML refers to this text content as character data and distinguishes it from markup, the tags that modify that character data. If there is no markup inside an element, that element's text is contained in a single XMLDOMText object that is the child of the element. If there is markup inside an element, it is parsed into child elements that are siblings of the XMLDOMText object(s). (Note that the content of the markup elements also appears within text nodes, which are the children of the specific markup element.)

When a document is first made available to the XMLDOM, all text is normalized: there is only one text node for each block of text. Users can create adjacent text nodes that represent the contents of a given element without any intervening markup, but should be aware that there is no way to represent the separations between these nodes, so they will not persist between XMLDOM sessions.

The normalize method on the XMLDOMElement object merges adjacent text nodes into a single node. You should normalize before starting any operations that depend on a particular document structure, to ensure that subsequent sessions will operate on the same structure.


The following example creates an XMLDOMText object (objText), and inserts it before the first child of the root. The insertBefore method returns another XMLDOMText object, objText1:

Dim xmlDoc
Dim root
Dim objText
Dim objNode

Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("microsoft.xmldom") 
Set root = xmlDoc.documentElement
Set objText = xmlDoc.createTextNode ("Hello World")
Set objText1 = root.insertBefore (objText, root.firstChild)
MsgBox root.xml


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