The XMLDOMProcessingInstruction object represents a processing instruction, which XML defines to keep processor-specific information in the text of the document.
The content of the XMLDOMProcessingInstruction node is the entire content between the delimiters of the processing instruction (PI).
The content of this node is usually subdivided into the target, the application to which this processing instruction is directed, and the content of the processing instruction. The target consists of the first token following the start of the tag, while the content of the PI refers to the text from the first non-white-space character after the target through the character immediately preceding the ?> that signifies the end of the tag.
The following example creates a new XMLDOMProcessingInstruction object and displays its XML representation:
Dim xmlDoc Dim pi Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("microsoft.xmldom") xmlDoc.load("c:\books.xml") Set pi = xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml", " version=""1.0""") MsgBox pi.xml
See Also