Create a custom dialog box

Create a custom dialog box

  1. Create the form. The form can have any combination of controls.

  2. In form Design view, double-click the form selector to open the property sheet for the form.

  3. In the PopUp property box, click Yes.

  4. In the Modal property box, click Yes.

  5. In the BorderStyle property box, click Dialog. If you select the Dialog setting, the form has a thick border and can include only a title bar and a Control menu. The form can't be maximized, minimized, or resized.

  6. Create a macro or event procedure that opens the form.

  7. Attach the macro or event procedure to a form or report by specifying the macro name or event procedure as the setting for the appropriate event property. For example, type the name of the macro or event procedure in the OnClick property box of a command button.
