Insert part of an existing bound object on a form

Insert part of an existing bound object on a form

You can use this procedure if the application that you're copying from has OLE support for copying part of an existing document.

  1. If you haven't already done so, create a bound object frame on a form.


  2. Switch to the application that you used to create the object, and select the information that you want to insert. For example, open Microsoft Excel and select a range of cells.

  3. On the Edit menu, click Copy.

  4. Switch back to Microsoft Access, switch to Form view or Datasheet view, move to the record that you want to paste the object into, and click the OLE Object field in a Microsoft Access database (.mdb), or the image column in a Microsoft Access project (.adp).

  5. Click Paste on the toolbar.

    Note   If you want to display the object as an icon, or if you want to specify what type of object to paste as, click Paste Special on the Edit menu. For information on Paste Special options, click .

    If you're in Form view, then Microsoft Access displays the object. If you're in Datasheet view, then Microsoft Access displays the name of the object, for example "Microsoft Excel Worksheet."

  6. If you need to edit the object, then double-click it.
