Find duplicate records or field values in a table using a query wizard

Find duplicate records or field values in a table using a query wizard

From the results of a Find Duplicates query, you can determine if there are duplicate records in a table, or determine which records in a table share the same value. For example, you might search for duplicate values in an address field to determine if you have duplicate records for the same supplier, or you might search for duplicate values in a city field to see which suppliers are in the same city.

Note   Microsoft Access can automatically delete all the duplicate records in a table, although you can't use the Find Duplicates Wizard to do it. For more information, click .

  1. In the Database window, click Queries under Objects, and then click New on the Database window toolbar.

  2. In the New Query dialog box, click Find Duplicates Query Wizard.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Follow the directions in the wizard dialog boxes. If you don't choose to show fields in addition to those with duplicate values, the query results will sum the instances of each duplicate value. In the last dialog box, you can choose to run the query or see the query's structure in Design view.

    If the resulting query isn't exactly what you want, you can rerun the wizard or change the query in Design view. For more information on changing a query in Design view, click .

You can manually delete each duplicate record that the wizard finds. For more information, click .