Group records in a report

Group records in a report

You can group on up to 10 fields or expressions in a report. To see an example of grouped records, click .

  1. Open the report in Design view.

  2. Click Sorting And Grouping on the toolbar to display the Sorting And Grouping box.

  3. Set the sort order for the data in the report.


  4. Click the field or expression whose group properties you want to set.

  5. Set the group properties in the following list. You must set either GroupHeader or GroupFooter to Yes in order to create a group level and set the other grouping properties.

More information

For information on grouping on Text fields, click .

For information on grouping on Date/Time fields, click .

For information on grouping on AutoNumber, Currency, or Number fields, click .

Note   The Employee Sales by Country report in the Northwind sample database has two group levels. To view this report, open the Northwind database in the Samples subfolder of your Office folder, and then open the Employee Sales by Country report in Design view. For information on opening Northwind, click .