Import database objects from another Microsoft Access database or Microsoft Access project

Import database objects from another Microsoft Access database or Microsoft Access project

  1. Open the database or switch to the Database window for the open database.

  2. On the File menu, point to Get External Data, and then click Import.

  3. In the Files Of Type box, make sure Microsoft Access (*.mdb;*.adp;*.mdw;*.mda;*.mde;*.ade) is selected.

  4. Click the arrow to the right of the Look In box, select the drive and folder where the Microsoft Access database (.mdb) or Microsoft Access project (.adp) that you want to import from is located, and then double-click the database's icon.

  5. In the Import Objects dialog box, click the tab for the kind of object that you want to import, and then click each object that you want to import, or click Select All to import all objects of the desired type. Repeat this step for each kind of object that you want to import.

    If you want to import just the tables' definitions (not the datathat they contain), click Options, and thenunder Import Tables, click Definition Only.

    In an Access database, if you're importing select queries, and you want to import them as tables (for example, to create a read-only database), click Options, and thenunder Import Queries, click As Tables. Action queries import as queries no matter how this option is set.

    If you want to include relationships (Access database only), custom menus and toolbars, or import/export specifications (Access database only), click Options, and then, under Import, select the items you want included. Microsoft Access won't import a toolbar, menu bar, or shortcut menu if it has the same name as one in the Access database or Access project that you're importing to.
