Comparison of data types between a Microsoft Access database and a Microsoft Access project

Comparison of data types between a Microsoft Access database and a Microsoft Access project

The following table compares data types between a Microsoft Access database and a Microsoft Access project.

Learn about Access data types.

Learn about SQL Server data types.

Microsoft Access data type SQL Server data type
Yes/No bit
Number (Byte) tinyint
Number (Integer) smallint
Number (Long Integer) int
Number (Single) real
Number (Double) float
Currency money


Decimal/numeric decimal


Date/Time datetime


AutoNumber (Increment) int (with Identity property defined)
Text (n) varchar(n)


Memo text
OLE Object image
Replication ID (also called globally unique identifier (GUID)) uniqueidentifier (SQL Server 7.0 only)
Hyperlink ntext (but Hyperlink is not active)
(no equivalent) nchar
(no equivalent) varbinary
(no equivalent) user-defined
(no equivalent) smallint
(no equivalent) timestamp
(no equivalent) char

