Specifies a frameset, which is used to organize multiple frames and nested framesets.
border , borderColor , canHaveChildren , className , cols , firstChild , frameBorder , frameSpacing , id , innerHTML , isTextEdit , lang , language , lastChild , nextSibling , nodeName , nodeType , nodeValue , outerHTML , parentElement , parentNode , parentTextEdit , previousSibling , readyState , rows , runtimeStyle , scopeName , sourceIndex , style , tabIndex , tagName , tagUrn , title , uniqueID
addBehavior , appendChild , applyElement , attachEvent , blur , clearAttributes , cloneNode , componentFromPoint , contains , detachEvent , focus , getAdjacentText , getAttribute , getElementsByTagName , hasChildNodes , insertAdjacentElement , insertAdjacentHTML , insertAdjacentText , insertBefore , mergeAttributes , removeAttribute , removeBehavior , removeChild , removeNode , replaceAdjacentText , replaceChild , replaceNode , setAttribute , swapNode
onafterprint , onbeforeprint , onbeforeunload , onblur , onfocus , onload , onunload
all , attributes , behaviorUrns , childNodes , children
clientCaps , download , homePage
width behavior layout-grid layout-grid-mode