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XMLDOMEntity Object

The XMLDOMEntity object represents a parsed or unparsed entity in the XML document.


The XMLDOMEntity object represents the entity itself rather than the entity declaration. The W3C XMLDOM does not currently define an object that models the entity declaration.

According to the W3C XMLDOM specification, an XML processor can completely expand entity references into entities before the structure model is passed to the XMLDOM. When these entity references are expanded, the document tree does not contain any entity references.

When the Microsoft XML processor validates the XML document, it expands external entities (except binary entities). The nodes representing the expanded entity are available as read-only children of the entity reference. The Microsoft implementation does not expand these entities when it is not validating.

The nodeName property contains the name of the entity.

The structure of the entity child list is exactly the same as the structure of the child list for the XMLDOMEntityReference object with the same nodeName value.

Level 1 of the W3C XMLDOM API does not define a way to change entity nodes (all XMLDOMEntity object properties are read-only).


See Also


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