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XMLDOMEntityReference Object

The XMLDOMEntityReference object represents an entity reference node.


If the XML processor expands entity references while building the structure model, no entity reference objects appear in the tree.

XML does not require nonvalidating processors to handle external entity declarations (those made in the external subset or declared in external parameter entities). This means that parsed entities declared in the external subset need not be expanded, and therefore the replacement value of the entity might not be available. If available, the replacement value of the referenced entity appears in the child list of the EntityReference object.

The resolution of the children of the EntityReference (the replacement value of the referenced entity) can be lazily evaluated. Actions such as calling the childNodes method are assumed to trigger the evaluation. Note that character entities are expanded by the XML processor and do not appear as entity references, but instead appear within the character text in Unicode.

This object has no unique properties or methods of its own, but exposes the same objects and properties as the XMLDOMNode object.


See Also

XMLDOMDocument, XMLDOMEntity

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