About finding files

About finding files

How to search for files   The Open, Import, and Link dialog boxes (File menu), and the Database To Convert From, Database To Compact From, Database to Save As MDE As, and Encrypt/Decrypt Database dialog boxes (Tools menu) all help you search for files on your hard drive and on any network drive. You can search for a file by the file name, type, date last modified, or by text within the file except for a Microsoft Access database and Microsoft Access project. You can also search for a file by specific file properties such as author, subject, title, or creation date. How to search for files.

Search for files by using file properties   File properties are details about the file that help identify the file — for example, a descriptive title, the author name, the subject, keywords you assign to the file, or other important information.

Search for files using special criteria   In the Open dialog box, click Tools and then click Find to search for a file by using nontext properties or by using more advanced combinations of criteria. For example, you can search for files that contain the text "budget" or have the keyword "Budget99".

Save search criteria   If you search for the same information over and over, or if you have a complex search set up using multiple search criteria, you might want to save your search to use later. How to save search criteria.

Change saved search criteria   If you have saved your search criteria and want to change that criteria, you can. How to change saved search criteria.

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