Resource Kit Tools

These tools are installed in the …\reskit folder when you download and install the Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition Resource Kit.

ComponentChecker: This tool allows you to analyze and manage MDAC components in use on a server. With ComponentChecker, you can determine the version of MDAC on a computer, remove MDAC components, show components in use, and register or unregister COM objects. To use ComponentChecker, install the Resource Kit, then run the setup program found in the ...\reskit\tools\ComChecker directory of the Resource Kit. For more information, see the ComponentChecker Readme.

Configurator: You can use the Site Server Configurator tool to estimate the hardware requirements for building an Internet service with Microsoft® Site Server. To use the Configurator tool, install the Resource Kit, then open the config.htm file in the \tools\configurator directory of the Resource Kit. The Configurator is best viewed at screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels.

Error Code Look-up Tool (Err.exe): The error code look-up tool (Err.exe) is a convenient command-line utility for determining error values from decimal and hexadecimal error codes in Windows NT.

To use the Err.exe tool, install the Resource Kit, then use the file Err.exe found in the \tools\Err directory of the Resource Kit. For more information, see the Error Code Look-up Tool Readme.

InetMonitor: This load generation tool is used to plan and maintain the optimal site configuration. The Simulator component of InetMonitor simulates user load on the site, as well as client and user behavior. The Monitor component tracks the behavior of a typical user. Use the information gathered in these tests to assess site capacity, plan for growth, and track your use of hardware resources.

MetaEdit: The MetaEdit utility includes the metabase Consistency Checker and metabase Browser/Editor. You can use MetaEdit to browse and modify attributes in the Microsoft® Internet Information Server (IIS) metabase. You can use the Consistency Checker to check a schema, the selected key, or all keys. The Browser/Editor is similar to the Microsoft® Windows NT® Registry Editor (regedit.exe). The following document provides information about installing and using MetaEdit:

Migratedir.vbs: This script is provided to help members migrate from one Membership Directory to another. Migratedir.vbs is found in the \reskit\code\membership folder of the Resource Kit directory after you download and install the Resource Kit. Follow the instructions inside Migratedir.vbs to edit the script and run it, using Wscript.exe from your %Systemroot%\system32\folder.

PortWatch: is a sample Perl script that pings specified ports and returns a report on port status. When used with the Rptevent.exe utility (also included with the Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition Resource Kit), can generate custom alerts and post them to the Microsoft® Windows NT® Event Log.

Note   Rptevent.exe is only available for platforms with Intel® processors; it is not available for DEC Alpha platforms at this time.

This sample script provides one example of how custom scripts can be used with Windows NT to address site management issues. To install the Perl interpreter, refer to the instructions in the Windows NT Resource Kit or visit http:/

For additional details about the PortWatch script, see the Readme for

Targeted Mailer Package Tool: The Targeted Mailer Package program (TMPkg) lets you create, view, and compare package files for use with Direct Mailer. Direct Mailer uses the package files in conjunction with the List Builder and Message Builder services to send personalized and targeted e-mails to a specific distribution list. See the Targeted Mailer Package Program Readme for more information.