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XMP Element | XMP Object Members

Renders text used for examples in a fixed-width font.


accessKey , canHaveChildren , className , clientHeight , clientLeft , clientTop , clientWidth , currentStyle , dir , firstChild , id , innerHTML , innerText , isTextEdit , lang , language , lastChild , nextSibling , nodeName , nodeType , nodeValue , offsetHeight , offsetLeft , offsetParent , offsetTop , offsetWidth , outerHTML , outerText , parentElement , parentNode , parentTextEdit , previousSibling , readyState , recordNumber , runtimeStyle , scopeName , scrollHeight , scrollLeft , scrollTop , scrollWidth , sourceIndex , style , tabIndex , tagName , tagUrn , title , uniqueID


addBehavior , appendChild , applyElement , attachEvent , blur , clearAttributes , click , cloneNode , componentFromPoint , contains , detachEvent , focus , getAdjacentText , getAttribute , getBoundingClientRect , getClientRects , getElementsByTagName , hasChildNodes , insertAdjacentElement , insertAdjacentHTML , insertBefore , mergeAttributes , releaseCapture , removeAttribute , removeBehavior , removeChild , removeNode , replaceAdjacentText , replaceChild , replaceNode , scrollIntoView , setAttribute , setCapture , swapNode


onbeforecut , onbeforepaste , onblur , onclick , oncontextmenu , oncut , ondblclick , ondrag , ondragend , ondragenter , ondragleave , ondragover , ondragstart , ondrop , onfocus , onhelp , onkeydown , onkeypress , onkeyup , onlosecapture , onmousedown , onmousemove , onmouseout , onmouseover , onmouseup , onpaste , onpropertychange , onreadystatechange , onresize , onselectstart


all , attributes , behaviorUrns , childNodes , children


clientCaps , download , homePage , httpFolder , saveFavorite , saveHistory , saveSnapshot , time , userData


border-top-color margin-top border-bottom-width page-break-before padding-right padding border-right-width cursor text-indent visibility font-style border-left-color margin-left text-autospace left overflow-x layout-grid-line font-variant overflow-y line-break background text-align direction border-bottom-color text-justify position background-position clear border-right-color border-right word-spacing top padding-left layout-grid-mode padding-bottom right font-size border-bottom overflow letter-spacing display float font-family margin-right behavior word-break text-transform background-repeat border-top-style layout-grid-char background-image bottom clip text-decoration color border-style border-top-width border-top z-index margin-bottom page-break-after font border-left-style border-width margin unicode-bidi background-color font-weight line-height border-bottom-style layout-grid layout-grid-type layout-grid-char-spacing border-left-width border-left padding-top border-color border-right-style border

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