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Active Script Debugging API Overview

The Active Script Debugging API is a set of interfaces that allow language-neutral, host-neutral debugging, with support for a wide variety of development environments.

Active Script Debugging is language-neutral. The debugging environment can support virtually any programming language. Knowledge of a specific programming language does not need to be included in the debugging environment. The debugger can debug applications written in multiple programming languages, with cross-language stepping and breakpoints.

Active Script Debugging is host-neutral. The debugger can be used with any Active Scripting host, such as Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.0 and later. The host application has control over the structure of the document tree presented to the user, and over the contents and syntax coloring of the documents being debugged. This allows the host application to present the source code being debugged in the context of the host document—scripts can be shown on an HTML page, for example.

This article is an overview of the Active Script Debugging API.

Key Terms and Concepts

This section lists and defines key Active Script Debugging terms.

code context
A code context represents a particular location in the running code of a language engine—a "virtual instruction pointer."
document context
A document context is an abstraction that maintains the tree of debuggable documents in a particular application, tracks the running threads, and so on.
expression context
An expression context represents a particular context—a stack frame, for example—in which expressions can be evaluated by a language engine.
object browsing
Object browsing refers to a structured, language-independent representation of an object's name, type, value, and subobjects, suitable for implementing a "watch window" user interface (UI). Watch windows can be used to evaluate lists of expressions when the debugger is stopped at a breakpoint. They can display the value of variables, properties, or simple expressions.


This documentation assumes that you understand Microsoft® Win32®, C/C++, OLE, and COM programming.

Active Script Debugging is supported by Internet Explorer 4.0 and later.


This section describes the Active Script Debugging components and lists the interfaces associated with each component.

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