Returns true if this node has children.
boolValue = oXMLDOMNode.hasChildNodes()
Boolean. Returns true if this node has children.
This method offers a fast way to determine whether a node has children. This method always returns false for nodes that, by definition, cannot have children: the XMLDOMCDATASection, XMLDOMComment, XMLDOMNotation, XMLDOMProcessingInstruction, and XMLDOMText nodes.
The following example checks a node to see if it has any child nodes. If it does, it displays the number of child nodes it contains:
Dim xmlDoc Dim currNode Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("microsoft.xmldom") xmlDoc.async = False xmlDoc.load("c:\books.xml") Set currNode = xmlDoc.documentElement.firstChild If currNode.hasChildNodes Then MsgBox currNode.childNodes.length Else MsgBox ("no child nodes") End If
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